Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A hairy situation.

Hey all. Oliver here. I know it's been a long time since I've written, but things have been a little hectic around these parts. I have to admit with all the traveling back and forth to Wisconsin, and mom starting her new job and getting settled into the new apartment with Brian, Hannah and....ugh, Sinjin...I've been a little stressed.

But last night... Last night was one of the best nights of my life. After enduring a morning and afternoon filled with that ratty hairball Sinjin attacking me from every angle, in every room, every ten minutes - sweet revenge was all mine when Mom came home and announced she was going to give the spastic terror, Sinjin himself, A BATH!!

I have never seen anything so funny in my life. It took two grown humans to hold that hairy devil down. I mean, I'm not completely evil - I do feel bad for the little guy. Apparently, we both have fleas. Yes. Fleas. But mine were taken care of the night before...and I don't mind so much having a bath now and again (especially if it makes Daddy Dearest Brian shutup for a few days about how I smell like dog all the time. What a genius that guy is. A dog smelling like a dog?! GO FIGURE!).

Anyway, back to the cat...

Yeah, so Mom and Dad gave him a bath and it was HI-LAR-IOUS! I mean, that poor thing looked like roadkill when they were done with him. Mom seemed pretty upset - I could tell she felt horrible, as the big baby whined the whole time. Dad just held him in a blanket as she used her good tweezers to get any remaining fleas off. Gross.

But that's not the best part... See, after his bath last night, he seemed to recover once he was dry. In fact, it kind of annoyed me because he smelled all fresh and clean and Mom and Dad were fawning over him like he was Bono or something. HOWEVER, after Mom spotted a flea on his face this morning, she got on the internet and read that shampooing the oversized rat in dish soap would kill them off for good.

Yes, that's right. I GOT TO WATCH IT ALL OVER AGAIN THIS MORNING!! And this time he was NOT happy at all! In fact, he hasn't come out from under the bed at all. It has been the most peaceful 24 hours of my life...

I'm thinking of finding an old flea and throwing it on his face before Mom comes home. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next....


Sinjin said...

Hardy har har har! Very funny you over sized Chihuahua! Let's not forget this is YOUR fault! And daddy warned you guys you'd get fleas the day you *ugh* moved here. Did you guys listen?? No. You did not. You decided to take care of the problem AFTER it became a problem! When will you learn that daddy is always right? As for smelling like a dog...there's a difference between smelling like a clean dog and a dirty dog. You, flea bag, smell of the latter. Take your flea meds and leave me alone!

Oliver said...

Shouldn't you be soaking in green tea oil or some other concoction right now?

Get away from the computer.